Finally, pada tanggal 15.5.2016 alhamdulillah aku telah lulus ujian jpj setelah setahun lebih aku mendambakan impian ini. Actually I've repeated my test almost 4 times !! Can't you imagine?? Aku mula ambil test jpj first pada 19.4.2015. At that time, I felt so nervous b'coz it was my first time taking license and I think that I'm not ready yet. Rasa nervous sgt2 tambah2 bila tgk muka jpj tuu serius gilerr. Haha. I tak ikot saranan cikgu driving I...dia cakap abaikan je muka jpj tuu. And unfortunately b'coz of my nervousness, I've failed at zigzag on the track. Tak pernah expect pun bleh failed kat situ sbb assume kat situ senang ja bleh lulus. I was so frustrated at that time until I can't control my emotions when they asked me to do another test which is at jalan raya. I've cried a lot before that so I felt tired and dizzy. But fortunately I've got the young, handsome and kind-hearted jpj when I want to do jalan raya. Seriously dia hensem sangat. And I pun actually kalau tak dah failed kat jalan raya tau sbb x perhati kereta lalu betul2 masa nak masuk persimpangan. And suddenly he asked me to go back. Time tu muka dy dah tegang gilaa. Masa tu dahh cuak gilaaaa.. mmg tau dahh sangat2 dah failed & tak bleh nak control nangis sbb frust sgt2. But he helped me! Dia tnya psal failed kat litar tdi and I've told him that I need to pass the test quickly b'coz I want to go study at UiTM bulan 6 nnti. He said that he would help me and I just bawak kereta pusing2 kat kilang jaa. Alhamdulillah.. wlaupun x dak rezeki nak lulus kat litar,, but Allah had helped me kat jalan raya. Ringan la ckit beban kena repeat kat litar ja. I totally lebih beruntung drpd sstengah kwn I yg jmpa masa test tuu. Ada yg first time jpj tuu dah failed dua2. The most bitter part is, lps dah failed tuu I kena bayar RM90 kot utk retest balik. Nak booking next tarikh pun kena tnggu nak dekat 2 minggu jugak laa. Ada laa sama amik extra class sejam nak bagi polish balik.
Second time jpj,, aku pun gagal sekali lagi.. tapi kali ni kat 3 penjuru pulak. Sebab lebih 3 pergerakan. Puncanyaa smpai skrang aku rasa nyesal sgt. Sbb time nak reverse tuu aku terangkat klac byk so keta pun jdi mcm reverse laju and aku tiba2 rasa panik terbreekkk!!! And jdi lahh byk pergerakan sbb aku brek awal sgt. huhuhu.. burn duit skali lagi. But kali nihh disebabkan aku dah mcm kesuntukan masa sbb nak pergi UiTM lgi,, so Abah pun buat surat rayuan kat pejabat jpj mintak tarikh repeat awal. Time tuu rasa mcm nak give up dah sbb dok asyik menyusahkan parents jaa. Rasa bersalah sgt kat depa sbb dah burn duit byk utk kesalahan aq yg x baloi nihh. My third test jpj,, I also have failed at the same place for the same mistakes !!!! Time nihh abah mama mmg dahh marah sakan laa.. depa ckp kenapa still x bleh lagi?? Dahh amik extra class byk kott. Aq diam tunduk nangis jaa. Nak cakap apa punn x tau sbb mmg salah aku sendiri!! Aq pun x mintak smua ni jadi... but they only nagging at me for a while bcoz they understand I'm still not ready yet. At that time, my problem was the only one which is, FEAR !
My fourth jpj was a week before I went to UiTM. Sekali lagi, aq terpaksa menyusahkan parents aq kena bayarkan duit utk retest ngn booking tarikh awal kat jpj & amik extra class 2 hours which is about RM75. But at this time, once again I've made them disappointed... aq gagal lagi. But at this time kat bukit pulak. Selama ni aq x pernah failed kat bukit punn. Aq rasa time ni aq gagal sbb aq pressure sgt2 dgn nak lulus and nak kejar masa nak daftar kat UiTM nnti. huhuhu. My parents senyap x kata apaa, Depa ckp aq mgkin xda rezeki nak lulus skrang... so aq pi laa belajar kat UiTM Tapah dlu ngn lesen L di dalam purse.. huhu.. kecewaa gilerr tapi nak wat cenaa kann.. setiap kali balik cuti jaa jenuh la dok keja renew lesen L 3 bulan skali sbb dh tamat tempoh tapi nak test balik tuu x buat2 pun lagi. Ingat nak pergi retest balik time cuti sem part 1 tapi disebabkan aq masuk komander,, time cuti sem tu kmi depa pergi kursus Latihan Intensif Bakal Komander selama 2 minggu kat UiTM Penang. Mama Abah pun time tu xdak masa nak kisah kat lesen aq sbb depa nak kena pergi umrah hujung bulan 12. Masing2 busy time tuu. So,, tnggu cuti sem part 2 ni laa boleh buat.
Pada tanggal 15.5.2016 iaitu tarikh yg slalu aq akan ingat sbb tarikh ni merupakan lesenku yang terakhir... aicewahhh~~ time ni aq dh mcm malas sgt2 nak buat lesen balik sbb dah tinggal setahun lebih kann.. rasa mcm nak give up sbb aq x nak fikir apa dah pasal ni. Ingat nak start smua dari awal balik time nak kerja nnti. Tapi parents & kawan2 x give up dok kasi semangat kat aq suruh buat balik sbb benda ni mmg penting utk masa depan. Kot2 la nnti aq smbung blajar jauh2 kena guna transport kaa.. So, dgn malasnya aq pun blajar la balik banyak kali dgn Abah. Tiap2 hujung minggu pkul 7 pagi dah start practice ngn abah nak dekat 2 jam. Dekat 2 minggu gak laa aq berlatih jaa. Pusing2 kat blakang tempat parking mall ptg2 ngn pagi2.. aq pun amik gak extra class 3 jam buat dlm litar jaa, Mmg letih sgt2. So, kira 15.5 tuu aq dh ready lahh. And alhamdulillah syukur ke hadrat Ilahi akhirnyaa aq dah lulus. But that's not the end of my journey sbb tiba2 jpj hulur kertas pink kat aq which is yg utk jalan raya. He asked me to do that also. I was so speechless !! sbb aq x expect lgsung kena repeat jalan raya gak sbb dia ckp aq dh tinggal setahun lebih x buat jpj so kira aq ni mcm budak baru nk buat jpj. Mmg cuak abih la time ni sbb x ready lgsung!! dgn x ingt sgt jalan mna yg nak lalu laa sbb ari tu aq lulus punn sbb belas ihsan jpj yg aq dpt. Time ni aq tawakal jaa nk jdi apa punn. Aq doa2 byk2 supaya dpt jpj yg baik hati and fortunately aq dpt jpj yg mcm aq harapkan. He's also so benevolent and kind. Lebih kurang mcm usia abah aq. Aq pun ckp2 elok2 kat dia minta tlg tnjukkan jln sbb dh setahun tinggal and he's agreed to help. Dia ckp sapa2 yg naik dgn dia sblum ni pun dia kasi lulus. He's also was so friendly and not too strict. Kitorang byk sembang2 ja dlm tuu. Alhamdulillah aq berjaya lulus jugak dua2 sesi tuu and rasa tak sabar sgt2 nak buat lesen this weekend!! Of coz! My parents were on the top of the world at that time. My mom said,, "Mama happy sgt2 tngk Kak Syirah lulus jugak akhirnyaaa.. kesian laa mama tgk slama ni tiap2 abih test dok asyik nangis sedih jaa". hehehe.
So, my advice to those yg mengalami nasib yg serupa dgn aq nihh,, "don't be sad if you're failed". Nak buat mcm mna kalau dahh failed kann.. bukan kita yg mintak nak jdi mcm ni.. dah xda rezeki kita nak lulus lagi,, so kita terpaksa laa berusaha lagi kena repeat bagi lulus. It's not the end of the world guys!! Allah takkan uji hamba-Nya melainkan dia mampu harunginyaa. Percayalah. there's always a rainbow after raining. All the best !! Sekian,, assalamualaikum wbt. =)